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Main Number

We have created user, assigned devices to users with device and added those users under the group. Next we have to set the main number and route the incoming call to the main number. Main Number tab allows admin to set Main Company Number and Main Conference Number.

Main Company Number

If the client account has spare numbers, admin can select one number from it and set as Main Company Number. Once admin set a main number, he has the options to set office working hours and holidays. Also set the strategy for handling incoming calls.

Office Hour Strategy

When admin clicks on this tab, he can set the working hours of the company. Either he can select 24 hours office or custom office hours. In the custom office hours he can set the open hours of the office and the days in which the company is office. He can select the days on which the company is open by clicking on the check box and set time from dropdown.

Also admin can set lunch break time, if they are breaking for lunch time.

After setting the Office Hour Strategy, admin has to click on Save Changes to save the details set.

Office Holidays

As admin clicks on this tab, he will have options to add company holidays. There are three options to set the holidays,

  1. Single day: Admin can enter the holiday name and select month and date.
  2. Date Range: Admin and enter a holiday name and select a from date and to date
  3. Advanced: If admin wants to set any particular day of a month as holiday he can do that.

Admin has to click on Save Changes button to save the details entered.

Incoming Call Handling

This feature will allow the user to set how an incoming call should flow when a call lands to the main number in various hours like open hours, after hours, holidays and lunch break.

The radio buttons allow the user to select each option and set strategy of incoming call during that time.

There are four options for call handling

  1. Incoming call directly to virtual receptionist
  2. Incoming call to user/device/media/ group and then to virtual receptionist
  3. Incoming call to user/device/media/ group/Skip to voice mail and then to voice mail of users
  4. Incoming call to user/device/media/ group and then to user/device/media/ group

Virtual Receptionist

This is like an auto attendant feature. There are basically to options

  1. Greetings:

Admin can upload a greeting which will be announced as the welcome script when a call lands to the main number. Or else admin can record custom greetings over the phone

  1. Main Menu:

In main menu tab user can set the route for each DTMF press. Example: He can select Press “0” for and select a User, Media, Devices, VM Boxes or Groups

Main Conference Number

If the client account has spare numbers, admin can select one number from it and set as Main Conference Number. User will be able to set Conference Name and PIN, when user dial to the main conference number, it will ask for PIN and on entering the PIN user will be in the conference.

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