Account Settings

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Account Settings

Account settings page will display the account details like service plan and details about basic settings of the account.

Navigation to Account Settings Page: When user clicks on the account name displayed on top right corner of the page, a drop down will be displayed and user has to click on Account to navigate to Account settings page.

Account Settings: User

When admin clicks on user menu, he can view the user name and also admin has the provision to change the password of the account when he clicks on the password.


Account menu gives some basic information of the account like account name, account realm,  and the contact details.

Service Plan

Service plan menu shows the details about the service plan assigned to the account. It will have details about number of users, cost per user and monthly charges for all users. Also it will have charges for DIDs also.

Buy/Add User

This option will help the admin to buy or add more users under his account. When user enters a number and clicks on buy, then user will be able to purchase number of users, provided the account has sufficient credits available.

Remove User

If the admin wants to remove users from his service plan, then he can enter the number of users to be removed and click on remove button.

Per Minute

Per minute is a log representing details about the international calls made from that account. It will show total minutes used for international calls and total charges of all calls made from the account.

Admin will be able to filter based log based on a date range. Each row in the log will show details about the call.


Transaction is the representation of all credits and debits that is made to the account.


Bills menu will display the bills received by the account for the last three months. User can filter the date with the date range required. It will show the status of the bill, eg: paid/ unpaid bill.


It is the collection of all media files under the account. It has two tabs Files and Recordings


Files will have collection of all media files/ announcements uploaded by the users under the account. Admin has the provision to delete the files from media.

Call Recordings

This tab will have all call recordings under this account. Admin can play, download or delete the recordings from the list.

Name of the recording is gives as [From Number/Extension]_[To Number/Extension]_[Date of the call]_[Time of the call]

Block List

This is the list of all numbers that are blocked by the admin from the call log. This screen allows the admin to unblock any of the number from the list.

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